
Instructor for MIT Primes CS Circle
In Fall 2024, I co-taught topics in Theoretical Computer Science and Machine Learning to high-school girls in the Boston area along with Lali Devadas and Yael Kirkpatrick. I taught lectures on streaming algorithms, machine learning in the context of linear regression, and an introduction to deep learning.
Teaching Assistant for 6.5320 (Geometric Computing)
I was a teaching assistant for 6.5320 (Geometric Computing) in Spring 2024 at MIT, taught by Piotr Indyk. I held office hours, helped prepare materials, and graded for the class.
Course description: Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems, in low- and high-dimensional spaces. Algorithms: convex hulls, polygon triangulation, Delaunay triangulation, motion planning, pattern matching. Geometric data structures: point location, Voronoi diagrams, Binary Space Partitions. Geometric problems in higher dimensions: linear programming, closest pair problems. High-dimensional nearest neighbor search and low-distortion embeddings between metric spaces. Geometric algorithms for massive data sets: external memory and streaming algorithms. Geometric optimization.
Stanford Splash
I taught a one-day class entitled “Puzzles in Probability” to high school students as part of the Stanford Splash program in 2019. I covered the Monty Hall, Two Child, and Birthday problems.